Powerful Three Weeks Coming Up!

Daily Cosmic Calendar for Thursday, July 22
Source link: http://www.astrology.com/?nlcid=zo%7C%7Cdh-cosmiccal%7Chero-signimg

Are you sensing the approach of major changes within the astro-psychic atmosphere? You are not alone. The largest planet - Jupiter - will make a station tomorrow in Aries and begin a retrograde cycle lasting until November 18. By Saturday night, Jupiter squares distant Pluto and, just two days later, Saturn and Uranus make their fifth and final opposition since November 4, 2008.

There is also a Full Moon coming up on Sunday July 25 and other startling stellar happenings ready to manifest during the last three days of July and during the first nine days of August.

In essence, we are now within one of the most profound and revolutionary three-week cycles in many years. Therefore, find time every day during the next three weeks for additional soul-searching and meditation.

Helping you stay productive right now is the monthly Moon-Ceres union in Sagittarius (9:25AM PDT). Tap into your sterling communication skills a little over two hours later when the Moon moves on to make a flowing trine to Mercury (11:27AM PDT). Conduct research concerning holistic healing techniques and alternative medical therapies as the Sun and Chiron connect via a 150-degree liaison (12:53PM PDT).

The Sun alchemically changes elemental water into fire at 3:22PM PDT when the solar shift from Cancer to Leo occurs. Roar like a lion in your key fields of expertise over the next 30 days. Meanwhile, the Sun contacts Saturn via a supportive, 60-degree tie (6:13PM PDT) - a constructive rapport that can help you be a more successful business leader and pad your bank account through sensible investments.

Be aware that a void lunar cycle starts at 9:51PM PDT and continues in force until 1:40AM PDT tomorrow when the Moon enters Capricorn. Don't make big decisions during this 3+ hour uncertainty zone.

Image shown here: Desert Flower of Beauty and Concern by Mary A. Gravelle, Wisdom Painting, 24" x 36", tempera


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