Full Moon Personal Wisdom Painting Session

This is my Wisdom Painting I did last night for the full moon ritual.

I drew three cards from the Wisdom of the Four Winds card deck: 39 Penguin - Faith; 37 Kingfisher - Vigilance; and 38 Sunset - Completion. What are the odds of picking sequential numbered cards?

All of my cards gave me messages about being the seerer, using the eyes of the seerer, letting go in order to receive the new. I had stated that I was willing to let go of whatever is ready to go. These cards tell me that I am on track and letting go, and to keep letting go.

The Kingfisher card told me to draw a map of my past and another for my future. So, I did that on my painting. The left side of pink/blue/black painting is my past. And the right side of red/pink/black painting is my future.

The past had to do with traumas and healing -- "a woven tapestry of lumps, bumps, bruises, loss, gain, darkness, and light."

The future is all about connections. There is one definite red ring and one possible red ring that comes with me from my past map -- "connections being made now and in the future."

The bottom line from my full moon Wisdom Painting:
" No more fear .... Step forward fearlessly, tirelessly, bravely, courageously into the New You."

So .... did you do a Wisdom Painting last night? What did it look like? What was its message for you? I would love to know. Please share with the rest of us.


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