Back to Wisdom Painting -- Sun, Fire, and Water

It always feels good to get back to Wisdom Painting. It just seems to reconnect myself to myself.

Take a look at this image and ask it what it wants to tell you. Share it here if you want.

Here is what it told me (or I told it?):

Oh fire, burn the remaining last vestiges of stubborn anger and resentment.

Red bleeding the impurities from my heart. Bleed out, run to Mother Earth, replenishing, grounding my entire Being.

Orange fire, burn away any sexual tensions and issues from my sacred sacral center.

Yellow, surround me in your cheer and optimism for bright times ahead.

Oh, fiery center, blaze bright, bold, and clear.

Fire, burn away the shackles to my heart's desire that I might be free to enjoy what is before me ... crystal clear reality.



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