Full Moon Tonight -- Wisdom Painting Helps!

Tonight is a full moon. This is what Astrology.com says:

Helping you look at the Big Picture is the Full Moon (6:38PM PDT and energizing 3 degrees of Leo and Aquarius. Individual and group meditations are recommended. Send your healing thoughts and prayers to friends, family members and to all people in need around the world.

While every Full Moon can represent a time of enlightenment, it can also symbolize various struggles and tug-of-war conditions, externally or internally. The Moon making a supportive, 60-degree connection to giant Jupiter (7:25PM PDT) certainly helps to make this a potentially illuminating and nurturing Full Moon experience.

May I suggest that you do a Wisdom Painting tonight? All you need to do is gather your paints, crayons, or other art media of choice, along with paper and have at it. Do a meditation beforehand asking any pertinent questions of your life right now. Allow your intuition to paint the painting, not your mind.

Full Moons are generally good for letting go of things. So, what do you want to let go of right now? See if your painting process can enlighten you on this issue.

After painting, study it and write.

Send me a picture of your painting and any messages that come from it. I'll post it here for you.

Happy painting!

Pictured here: Peace Ball, tempera paint, 24" x 36". This is one of my Wisdom Paintings I did about six years ago.


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