Follow my 28 Day Process: Personal Igniting Your Intentions™

Day One

It has been way too long since I embarked upon my own process of Igniting Your Intentions™. And it feels sooooo good to be back at it. 

Igniting Your Intentions™is a very focused 28-process of self-discovery using writing and drawing. It is a process that came to me during a time of deep inner work. I have done workshops. I had planned to write a book. The book proposal is finished but I never sent it out. Maybe it's time? 

It is time to do this process for myself again. I thought my intention statement would read as follows:

I allow myself success beyond my wildest dreams.

However, I found an old sample of the Igniting Journal on my studio shelf. "Perfect, I'll use that", I thought. Inside I had tucked an igniting statement into each journal that I had made up. This one read:

Money flows to me easily affording me freedom.

"More perfect", I thought. I embarked upon my solo journey of alignment to my true self almost five years ago, leaving behind everything I knew, friends, ex-husband, cats, family. Although the journey has been rich and creative, I have not been able to build a stable financial foundation. I need to focus on this now and see what comes up for me. What you focus on expands, right?

Day One -- Painting's Message to Me:

Mountains, pine trees, beautiful colorful sky, color, bold blazing color -- these bring you happiness -- lightness, brightness, warmth, pine tree forest this is where your heart is. Allow it to come to you. Your new residence is within reach. Trust, believe, allow yourself to receive the bounty within the heart, within your reach. You can have it all. Allow, allow, allow money to reach you, to flow to you easily affording you the freedom that you so richly deserve. It is on its way to you now. Believe, receive.

Thank you, painting.

Day Two

Money flows to me easily affording me freedom.

I continued painting on the pine tree landscape. I painted light turquoise over the entire sky, painted the mountains a shade of blue, painted the pine trees with teal and brown, exposing roots on the trees.

Day Two -- Painting's Message to Me:

Do all you can to bring the money in today [all the things that are in process]. These are within your scope to effect. We work behind the scenes orchestrating magical events so that money will flow to you easily. We want freedom for you. You will be able to help more people once your financial foundation is in place. Do not delay in doing your part. You will be glad that you did. The skills you need will be added upon you. You will learn them easily.

Thank you, painting.


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