Day 4: Glossing Over & Strengthening

Day 4: Glossing Over & Strengthening

Money flows to me easily affording me freedom.

Money worries rising to the surface big time today. I recently took a huge leap of faith into a mentorship program. Now, I'm wondering where the money will come from to pay for it. Yikes! Does anyone out there need or want a timeshare in Cancun? Selling it would certainly lighten my load and help me pay for this program.


I did not do anymore work on the painting today, except for brushing gel gloss medium over the front and back sides of it. Three coats of tempera paint had been built up and the edges of the paper were curling. That bothered me so I went for a strengthening cure. Now I'm wondering if I want to do this painting with acrylic on canvas instead. Do I want to upgrade my materials? This Igniting session seems to be taking me into a different place than sessions before it. Normally, I would use inexpensive materials so I would not be inhibited. And everyday I would do a new drawing or painting. This session, however, I seem to want to work on one painting ... or it wants me to delve deeper into the painting, the image of what is showing up. It's a mystery right now. We'll see what transpires over the next few days.

I'm reading Edwene Gaine's book: The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity (part of the mentorship program) right now. She has a two week self-care exercise. I thought I would do that in conjunction with my Igniting session.

Day One: Strive for Order
Since I have this week off, that is precisely what I have been doing. So, I'm on this one.

Day Two: Take time for solitude.
Yep, I'm on this one too. I have been taking a long hot bath everyday which gives me peace, silence, and solitude.

Day Three: Create Beauty
I do this all the time. Check!

Day Four: Give yourself a treat.
Uh oh .... I'm on day four of my Igniting session, so this is what I have to do today. She says, "The universe will only treat you as well as you treat yourself." I'm in trouble on this one. Or am I? This Igniting session is a treat for me. She tells us to think of something we love to do but do not think we have the time for like a massage or having lunch with a friend. I need to work on this one.

I'm also wondering if signing up for this mentorship program is taking away my freedom on some level. It certainly will if the money does not come through. My car has been broken down for two weeks now. My car has always given me a sense of freedom. Having a full tank of gas and a reliable car gives me a huge sense of freedom. So, are these two related?

And I wonder what my true purpose really is. How shall I serve? What is my service to the world? Are my workshops the service I am to focus on? I think I would just like to create art and make that my service to the world. So far, neither of these is working for me in terms of supporting me. I need to get this figured out now.

One thing I have been considering offering is something like an essence painting or soul image or something like that. I have done a couple of these in the past where I tap into the essence of the person through a painting. Then, I channel a message for them in conjunction with the painting. They seemed to really touch the recipient of them in a deep way.

In closing, I thank God for supplying all of my needs, wants, desires, and supporting me fully on this earth walk.

Here is a wonderful affirmation from the book mentioned above:
Large, rich, opulent, lavish, financial surprises now come to me, and I am grateful. 

Yes, I'm ready for those lavish financial surprises. Bring 'em on now! And Thanks.


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