
Showing posts from 2009

Exercise on Creating Abundance

I am reading Deepak Chopra's book, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul. He suggests a good exercise having to do with creating more abundance. Here it is from page 161: 1. Write the word Abundance on a sheet of paper. 2. Draw a circle around it. 3. Write five words around the outside of the circle that would make you feel more abundant. 4. Then, write three things that you could to do, starting today, to make these areas more fulfilling. Here is mine: Five words/three things: 1. Friends a. Continue inviting friends over b. Meet with friends outside my home c. Meet with one friend individually each week 2. Partner (true love) a. Visualize / feel his presence b. Put my art video up on my website and blog c. Be my own best love partner d. Write down a list of attributes I want in my partner 3. Fun a. Play with Sir Kitty 2-3 x during the day b. Hike a new trail each week c. Write a list of what I find fun 4. Home a. Continue clearing out my home

Coming up: Wisdom Painting Workshop

Are you feeling change in the air? Do you want to learn more of what is happening in your world? Or do you simply need to invoke your innate creativity? Come and experience the invisible become visible before your eyes in full color. The brush glides smoothly across the paper when you let go of judgment. Learn something about your inner self. Create, express yourself. I create the sacred, safe contained environment for your optimal self-experience. I hold the energy for you to create what needs to be created. Safe, fun, sacred, silent. This is a workshop for YOU to experience YOU. $35.00 per person, per session includes materials. Minimum 3 people to make the workshop happen. Invite a friend. Dates : Sat., Oct. 17, 2:30-5:30p Sun., Oct. 18, 1-4p Sat., Nov. 7, 2:30-5:30p Sun., Nov. 8, 1-4p Sat., Dec. 12, 2:30-5:30p Sun., Dec. 13, 1-4p $35.00 per person, per session includes materials. For more information on the workshops, visit . Testimonials on Wisdom Pai


August 10, 2009 Day 18 I cherish God's gift of life with exuberance! Drawing: Kelly green paper, a tree with a treasure chest center. Not sure what that shape is -- a magic carpet, a screen window, a window, a turning knob? Drawing's Message: A vortex of new energy is available to you now. Feel as you go. Where the energy is strongest, take that route. Strength, formidable power awaits those who take this route. Jump into the power spot, the power seat. Dive in and do what you do best, create, create, create. Go for it. You have what it takes. All is in your favor now. Be not afraid. It is. Thank you, drawing. Thank you, God, for everything I have today. I am truly blessed. I bless all who read this.

Gifts along the way

August 9, 2009 Day 17 I cherish God's gift of life with exuberance! Drawing: Red paper, geometric pattern. Drawing's Message: Stark, clear, and dear. The channels to happiness are open, wide, and clear. Gifts along the way appear for the taking. Openly acknowledge your gifts to others so that they may partake in the joy of cherishing their life, their gift of life. Thank you, drawing. Thank you, angels. Thank you, God, for everything I have today. I am truly blessed. May everyone be as blessed as I.

Shimmer of Life

August 8, 2009 Day 16 I cherish God's gift of live with exuberance! Drawing: Lime green paper. Dragonfly fashioned after a petroglyph . Drawing's Message: Flit and fly free as the dragonfly, spreading joy and translucent happiness. Luminescence of character and spirit, shine no matter what. Joyous parade of light- spirited and light-hearted fun. Enjoy the shimmer of life. Thank you, drawing.

The Healing Feeling

August 6, 2009 Day 15 I cherish God's gift of life with exuberance! Drawing: Pink paper, red-orange figure, hair, yellow energy aura. Blissful. I don't like the image as well after I tried to make her more of an art piece by shading her body. So, when my mind enters, it muddies the issue. Drawing's Message: Undulating energetics, energetic phase in your life. The feeling healing state of bliss. This feeling state heals all within its scope and reach. It is an important state for one to be in -- for you to be in. Seek it at all costs. This is the state that will bring you happiness and all that you desire. All things come in a state of blissful happiness, awareness, and gratitude for pure existence. It is so. It is. It is said. It is done. It is. So it shall be. Salute to the highest in you and everyone else. Salute! It is. Thank you, drawing.

Beyond Understanding is Truth

August 5, 2009 Day 14 I cherish God's gift of life with exuberance! Drawing: Turq. paper, stripes, mountain, abstract landscape. Wonder what this is about? Cleaness, clarity? Drawing's Message: Clean, crisp edges define who you are. Find the clarity in every aspect of your being. Push the boundaries of outdated beliefs. Push beyond the ordinary. Discover new lands, new frontiers. Life is for the living, so live it up! Beyond understanding is truth. Enter the Kingdom now. Move past the beyond. Enter the NOW and be free to move without fear. Push the boundaries of the known. Enter the Unknown. Fear not. All is well. It is. Thank you, drawing.

Pleasingly Simple

Aug. 4, 2009 Day 13 I cherish God's gift of life with exuberance! I'm changing the word joy to exuberance in this statement . It feels more lively and passionate . I've got to get passionate and grateful for God's gift of life to me. Thank you, God, for my life. Thank you, God, for everything I have today. I am truly blessed. Drawing: Pleasingly Simple White paper, clean, crisp image/pattern, markings upon the page. Basic colors. Pleasingly simple. Drawing's Message: Keep it simple, straightforward. Lighten the load in the moment. Exuberance is key. Exuberance is fun. Exuberance is light-hearted. Just keep it simple and light and all will be well. All is well. It is. Thank you, drawing.

Life's Patterns

August 3, 2009 Day 12 I cherish God's gift of life with joy. Questions: Do patterns ever change? Are there new patterns or do all patterns already exist and we just tap into the matrix to create them? Do we ever Create or just Re-create? Drawing Notes: I like the softness that the light colors over dark creates in this drawing. Drawing's Message: Edges become soft over time. Blending, smoothing of character creates a patina beauty that cannot be created in any other way. Flashes of light, insight come through the patches of fog, through the emptiness, the void. Soften, glow, shine through the darkness around you. Be the light, the lamp of awareness that is needed at this time. Be not afraid to shine. Be not afraid to show who you are. The time is now. Thank you, Drawing.

The Fullness of Life

August 2, 2009 I cherish God's gift of life with joy. Drawing: The Fullness of Life. Full, ripe, potential. Drawing's Message: Be. Know. Trust. It is. Thank you, Drawing.

Peace Valley

August 1, 2009 Intention Statement: I cherish God's gift of life with joy. Drawing: Turquoise blue paper, mountain landscape scene, a pathway up to the mountains. Drawing's Message: Peace in the valley of death. Peace before you, peace behind you. Peace all around you. Peace goes forward and clears the obstacles to clear your way. Your pathway is paved smooth and bold. Your path is paved with gold. Walk in peace. Know you are rich beyond your wildest dreams. A medley of opportunity is opening up to you now. See it, walk it. Your dreams are becoming reality now. Thank you, drawing. Thank you, God.

Sea of Bliss

July 31, 2009 Day 9 Intention Statement: I cherish God's gift of life with joy. Drawing: Pink paper. Started out as two hearts united, intertwined, grew into an angelic being, an angel, or mermaid perhaps, with conch shells, waves, stripes. The Sea of Bliss. Drawing's Message: Floating in the sea of love all around you. Free. Loved. Blissful state. Enjoy the connections, interconnections that are sprouting, germinating, growing. Embryonic, symbiotic . United as One. All as One. And One as All. Thank you, drawing.

Energetic Shift

Intention Statement: I cherish God's gift of life with joy. Drawing--My Observations: Kelly green paper. This is a familiar recurring image, except with a difference. The horizontal lines across the bottom are new. This image usually indicates to me that energy is changing. Drawing's Message: Energizing, zapping, changing it up. Energy is shifting in your world. Keep tapping into your creativity everyday. It is having positive effects in your life. Electricity is igniting your life once again. Good work on following the Divine impulses from within. We salute you. It is done. It is coming. It is. Thank you, Drawing. Thank you, God, for everything I have in my life today. I am truly blessed.

Float Free in the Joy of Happiness Within

I cherish God's gift of life with joy. Drawing: Pink paper, a floating girl Goddess. It's all about the flowing hair. Drawing's Message: Free the beauty from within. Float free and light on life's energy waves. Electric. You have much behind you. Joy is before you. Float free in the joy of happiness within. Thank you.

It's about The Happy

Intention Statement: I cherish God's gift of life with joy. Drawing: Lime green paper. Design looks like a theater or puppet stage. Drawing's Message: God wants you to be happy. Do the Happy Dance anytime and raise your awareness that YOU ARE HAPPY right now, right here. You are always where you are at. Be happy with it all for it is your life. Your life is a gift to be enjoyed and savored in all the rich experiences that come your way. It is your right under Creation to be happy. So be happy. All is well in the Kingdom. Glory Be. It is. Thank you, God. Thank you, Drawing. Thank you, Angels. Thank you, God, for everything that I have today. I am truly blessed. Amen.

Preaching the Divine: Stand Up For Your Rights

Intention Statement: I cherish God's gift of live with joy. Drawing: Preaching the Divine Bright yellow paper. An upright figure with hands outstretched. Are the vertical cross lines jail bars or what? The circles look like rocks under the ground, filtering, taking down what is no longer needed. Or maybe it is the stacking up of one's gold. Drawing's Message: Stand up, Get up, Stand up for what you believe (Bob Marley song playing in my head. I think the last line is actually "Stand up for your Life". I'll have to look the words up.) (words are actually, stand up for your rights. See links below.) Thank you, drawing. Lyrics to Get Up, Stand Up : Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! Get up, stand up: dont give up the fight! Preacherman, dont tell me, Heaven is under the earth. I know you dont know What life is really worth. Its not all that glitters is gold; alf the s

Pure and Sure

Intention Statement: I cherish God's gift of life with joy. My notes/thoughts: Purity, purity of thought, intent, act. Purity of heart, pureness, active purity. Turquoise paper, a tree, and mountains. Is it about pureness or icy conditions? As I drew I was thinking about purity. Now that I look at the drawing, it is a bit chilly, stark, pure -- actually -- liquid. So it is not about ice. Maybe it's about melting ice? The tree is liquid gold, moving, oozing, flowing downward into the ground, and dancing upward, shimmering, glowing. Liquid Ice, Pure and Sure. Drawing's Message: Shine true, shine sure. Stand steady allowing your energy to shine true and sure. (The song "Rock Steady" is playing in my head). Shine softly, boldly. Reach out with outstretched arms, opening your hands in giving ways. Share your hear, your love, your talents with all who will have it. Share the joy that is Pure and Sure, truly pure. Thank you, drawing.

Donegal's Garden

I had never heard of Donegal's Garden before I did this drawing this morning. As soon as I got out the hot pink paper and picked a green crayon, those words came to me. Now, I'm researching. It is a real place in Ireland! Guess I'll have to go. Got to get that passport! This makes me really miss my garden in Connecticut. I must get a garden planted here at this small rental house. I miss gardening so much. I'll post some links to Donegal's Garden at the end. My journal notes before I start my drawing: Intention Statement: I focus on cherishing my life with joy. Is this the correct statement for me now, instead of focusing on prosperity? I allow my creativity to prosper me now . How about that statement? I do a meditation and find that focusing on cherishing my life with joy is correct for me now. I wonder what it means to focus on cherishing my life with joy, to focus each moment on cherishing my life with joy? Should I re-word it somehow? I cherish my life with joy

Womb of Success

DAY 2 of my Igniting Session I focus on cherishing my life with joy! My notes: My life is the most important thing to me. I need to / want to/ it is imperative that I cherish it. It is imperative that I live with joy. Drawing: The Womb of Success This image looks and feels very comforting to me, like a womb. "Womb of Success" are the words that came to me after drawing it. As I focus on cherishing my life with joy, I sit in soft awareness and safety in my own world, in the inner sanctum of joy and love for self that is my life. The outside world buzzes along, while I remain in my inner space of joy and content. Drawing's message to me: Sit in solitude in full awareness of your comfort and joy that resides within. Life -- your life -- is full, juicy, and ripe with possibilities and potential. Sit and contemplate the goodness and sweetness that life offers to you now. Pick the ripe fruit that is ready for the taking. Succulent, ripe, juicy. Your life is full! Thank you, dra

Life is But a Bowl of Cherries

Okay, re-awakening to my work. I have begun a new Igniting session with myself. Intention statement: I focus on cherishing my life with joy! Sorry that you cannot see the lovely orange spirals in this drawing. Message: Remember that YOUR life IS a bowl of cherries: tender, juicy, and sweet. Always in all ways cherish the tender life that is your gift to the world from God. You are loved very much. Thank you, drawing.

May Day Celebration

Goofy May Day Celebration. My first annual May Day Celebration was a mild success and tons of fun! See my photo album in Facebook . Perhaps next year, you will plan your own May Day Celebration and let me know how it went.

Creating Nature Art with a Hammer--Soul Satisfying!

Visit this link and find out how to hammer out a nature print. Looks like fun and very intriguing. Blog: Wild and Whacky Nature Printing .

All Relationships are Spiritual

From Celestial Timings of April 7, 2009 Sobanfu Some speaks about this in her book The Spirit of Intimacy Ancient Teaching in the Way of Relationships , suggesting now is a time to spend more time in nature, in a garden, with plants and animals and/or with someone you love. "There is a spiritual dimension to every relationship no matter what its origins, whether it is acknowledged as spiritual or not. Two people come together because spirit wants them together. What is important now is to look at the relationship as spirit-driven, instead of driven by the individual. ... ... Spirit helps us fulfill our own life purpose and maintain our sanity…Spirit…is referring to the life force in everything…people in the West can begin to strengthen their intimate relationships by maintaining their connection with spirit – through prayers, through walking in nature, and dealing with natural forces, through connecting with the earth, the mineral, the fire or the mountains. By spending time in n

Celebrate the Healing Power of Art

Manhattan Arts Institute online contest shows the winners of a juried exhibition: Celebrate the Healing Power of Art .

Thoughts from the Book, Frequency

I'm reading a new book, Frequency, by Penney Peirce. I'm pondering a new thought from it today under her 9 Stages to Transformation. In stage 8: Relationship, Family, and Group Experience Are Revolutionized, she says: "You develop a new understanding of yin/receptive and yang/dynamic energy, as well as the right and left brain. You balance yourself with equal development of your receptive-intuitive-sourcing side and your active-focusing-creating side so your perception can be more fluid, creative, and perpetually renewed. As you understand the balance of yin and yang awareness and energy, you draw parallels between these qualities and male-female gender dynamics in relationships. You find a new awreness about what's possible in relationshipe between two internally balanced people, along with new behavior possibilities for both genders." My intrigue with this reading is the idea of sourceing vs. creating. I always looked at creating from the right brain-intuitive s

Feb. 2009 Newsletter Now Available Online

In this Issue: Gallery Rep, Show at Deming Arts Council, Create a Beautiful 2009

Book Review: eat, pray, love

I just finished a wonderful book by Elizabeth Gilbert: eat, pray, love. What a wonderful spiritual journey the author allowed herself for one full year. She traveled to Italy, India, and Indonesia. I laughed out loud in places and ended up crying during the last few pages. What a treat and treasure. Check it out.

Press Release: Art Show in Deming, New Mexico

"When a viewer enters an artist's work the viewer is enveloped, as if having landed in a strange but familiar dimension, both idiosyncratic and universal. By submitting to what is peculiar to themselves, artists attain originality and, paradoxically, express the uniquely universal. ... "Whether art imagery purges pain and suffering or points to an ideal yet to be realized, almost any imagery can support the flow of healing energy and is of benefit." -- Alex Grey, The Mission of Art PRESS RELEASE: Read it here on the web at I will be showing my abstract paintings in Deming, New Mexico during Feb. 2009. The artist reception is on Feb. 8 from 1-3 pm. Please join in the celebration. The abstract works are from my Triangle series, Number series, and misc. acrylic encaustic works.

The Flowering of Consciousness

I've watched a fantastic video by Eckhart Tolle, The Flowering of Consciousness, a two disc series. I'm reading his book right now too--A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. The point that sticks out to me is the idea of the pain-body. That is intriguing. I'm looking at how my pain-body reacts with other pain-bodies around me. Yikes, I think that it is acting out in some ways. Being aware is the first step in healing and dissolving the pain-body. This is really important work by Eckhart Tolle and I recommend both the DVD/video and the book