Press Release: Art Show in Deming, New Mexico

"When a viewer enters an artist's work the viewer is enveloped, as if having landed in a strange but familiar dimension, both idiosyncratic and universal. By submitting to what is peculiar to themselves, artists attain originality and, paradoxically, express the uniquely universal. ...

"Whether art imagery purges pain and suffering or points to an ideal yet to be realized, almost any imagery can support the flow of healing energy and is of benefit."
-- Alex Grey, The Mission of Art

PRESS RELEASE: Read it here on the web at

I will be showing my abstract paintings in Deming, New Mexico during Feb. 2009. The artist reception is on Feb. 8 from 1-3 pm. Please join in the celebration. The abstract works are from my Triangle series, Number series, and misc. acrylic encaustic works.


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