Coming up: Wisdom Painting Workshop

Are you feeling change in the air? Do you want to learn more of what is happening in your world? Or do you simply need to invoke your innate creativity?

Come and experience the invisible become visible before your eyes in full color. The brush glides smoothly across the paper when you let go of judgment. Learn something about your inner self. Create, express yourself.

I create the sacred, safe contained environment for your optimal self-experience. I hold the energy for you to create what needs to be created. Safe, fun, sacred, silent. This is a workshop for YOU to experience YOU.

$35.00 per person, per session includes materials.

Minimum 3 people to make the workshop happen. Invite a friend.

Sat., Oct. 17, 2:30-5:30p
Sun., Oct. 18, 1-4p
Sat., Nov. 7, 2:30-5:30p
Sun., Nov. 8, 1-4p
Sat., Dec. 12, 2:30-5:30p
Sun., Dec. 13, 1-4p

$35.00 per person, per session includes materials.

For more information on the workshops, visit

Testimonials on Wisdom Painting:

"Mary ~ I got my painting up on the wall as soon as I got home and lo and behold it's not like anything that anyone said about it!!! It's's like pure ecstatic flames of passion and boundless energy and JOY!!!!! My girlfriend said it's so hot that if I don't get it under some cool glass soon it might just burn up the paper it's on!!! Ha! Ha! It could ignite the spiritually dead and excite the sexually dormant with just one look..............thanx again - I had fun!! Big Hug!!!"

“Mary--Thank you. I needed to do this more than I ever could have realized. Fabulous learning experience. Again, thanks.”

“It ... gave me the pathway to continue with pride and confidence.”

“Experience was a growing one.”

“Safe space to stretch beyond what’s comfortable and gentle push to do it.”

"...contained more for me personally than I thought I might gain. I felt the experience as a whole helped me to connect with my painting (which isn’t finished) and connect to my gut. … Four hours is pretty quick, amazingly enough, and I could have painted longer.”


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