Womb of Success

DAY 2 of my Igniting Session
I focus on cherishing my life with joy!

My notes:
My life is the most important thing to me. I need to / want to/ it is imperative that I cherish it. It is imperative that I live with joy.

Drawing: The Womb of Success
This image looks and feels very comforting to me, like a womb. "Womb of Success" are the words that came to me after drawing it.

As I focus on cherishing my life with joy, I sit in soft awareness and safety in my own world, in the inner sanctum of joy and love for self that is my life. The outside world buzzes along, while I remain in my inner space of joy and content.

Drawing's message to me:
Sit in solitude in full awareness of your comfort and joy that resides within. Life -- your life -- is full, juicy, and ripe with possibilities and potential. Sit and contemplate the goodness and sweetness that life offers to you now. Pick the ripe fruit that is ready for the taking. Succulent, ripe, juicy. Your life is full!

Thank you, drawing.


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