Thoughts from the Book, Frequency

I'm reading a new book, Frequency, by Penney Peirce. I'm pondering a new thought from it today under her 9 Stages to Transformation. In stage 8: Relationship, Family, and Group Experience Are Revolutionized, she says:

"You develop a new understanding of yin/receptive and yang/dynamic energy, as well as the right and left brain. You balance yourself with equal development of your receptive-intuitive-sourcing side and your active-focusing-creating side so your perception can be more fluid, creative, and perpetually renewed. As you understand the balance of yin and yang awareness and energy, you draw parallels between these qualities and male-female gender dynamics in relationships. You find a new awreness about what's possible in relationshipe between two internally balanced people, along with new behavior possibilities for both genders."

My intrigue with this reading is the idea of sourceing vs. creating. I always looked at creating from the right brain-intuitive side. She poses another way to think about creating.

What's your thought on this?


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