
Showing posts from July, 2009

Energetic Shift

Intention Statement: I cherish God's gift of life with joy. Drawing--My Observations: Kelly green paper. This is a familiar recurring image, except with a difference. The horizontal lines across the bottom are new. This image usually indicates to me that energy is changing. Drawing's Message: Energizing, zapping, changing it up. Energy is shifting in your world. Keep tapping into your creativity everyday. It is having positive effects in your life. Electricity is igniting your life once again. Good work on following the Divine impulses from within. We salute you. It is done. It is coming. It is. Thank you, Drawing. Thank you, God, for everything I have in my life today. I am truly blessed.

Float Free in the Joy of Happiness Within

I cherish God's gift of life with joy. Drawing: Pink paper, a floating girl Goddess. It's all about the flowing hair. Drawing's Message: Free the beauty from within. Float free and light on life's energy waves. Electric. You have much behind you. Joy is before you. Float free in the joy of happiness within. Thank you.

It's about The Happy

Intention Statement: I cherish God's gift of life with joy. Drawing: Lime green paper. Design looks like a theater or puppet stage. Drawing's Message: God wants you to be happy. Do the Happy Dance anytime and raise your awareness that YOU ARE HAPPY right now, right here. You are always where you are at. Be happy with it all for it is your life. Your life is a gift to be enjoyed and savored in all the rich experiences that come your way. It is your right under Creation to be happy. So be happy. All is well in the Kingdom. Glory Be. It is. Thank you, God. Thank you, Drawing. Thank you, Angels. Thank you, God, for everything that I have today. I am truly blessed. Amen.

Preaching the Divine: Stand Up For Your Rights

Intention Statement: I cherish God's gift of live with joy. Drawing: Preaching the Divine Bright yellow paper. An upright figure with hands outstretched. Are the vertical cross lines jail bars or what? The circles look like rocks under the ground, filtering, taking down what is no longer needed. Or maybe it is the stacking up of one's gold. Drawing's Message: Stand up, Get up, Stand up for what you believe (Bob Marley song playing in my head. I think the last line is actually "Stand up for your Life". I'll have to look the words up.) (words are actually, stand up for your rights. See links below.) Thank you, drawing. Lyrics to Get Up, Stand Up : Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! Get up, stand up: dont give up the fight! Preacherman, dont tell me, Heaven is under the earth. I know you dont know What life is really worth. Its not all that glitters is gold; alf the s

Pure and Sure

Intention Statement: I cherish God's gift of life with joy. My notes/thoughts: Purity, purity of thought, intent, act. Purity of heart, pureness, active purity. Turquoise paper, a tree, and mountains. Is it about pureness or icy conditions? As I drew I was thinking about purity. Now that I look at the drawing, it is a bit chilly, stark, pure -- actually -- liquid. So it is not about ice. Maybe it's about melting ice? The tree is liquid gold, moving, oozing, flowing downward into the ground, and dancing upward, shimmering, glowing. Liquid Ice, Pure and Sure. Drawing's Message: Shine true, shine sure. Stand steady allowing your energy to shine true and sure. (The song "Rock Steady" is playing in my head). Shine softly, boldly. Reach out with outstretched arms, opening your hands in giving ways. Share your hear, your love, your talents with all who will have it. Share the joy that is Pure and Sure, truly pure. Thank you, drawing.

Donegal's Garden

I had never heard of Donegal's Garden before I did this drawing this morning. As soon as I got out the hot pink paper and picked a green crayon, those words came to me. Now, I'm researching. It is a real place in Ireland! Guess I'll have to go. Got to get that passport! This makes me really miss my garden in Connecticut. I must get a garden planted here at this small rental house. I miss gardening so much. I'll post some links to Donegal's Garden at the end. My journal notes before I start my drawing: Intention Statement: I focus on cherishing my life with joy. Is this the correct statement for me now, instead of focusing on prosperity? I allow my creativity to prosper me now . How about that statement? I do a meditation and find that focusing on cherishing my life with joy is correct for me now. I wonder what it means to focus on cherishing my life with joy, to focus each moment on cherishing my life with joy? Should I re-word it somehow? I cherish my life with joy

Womb of Success

DAY 2 of my Igniting Session I focus on cherishing my life with joy! My notes: My life is the most important thing to me. I need to / want to/ it is imperative that I cherish it. It is imperative that I live with joy. Drawing: The Womb of Success This image looks and feels very comforting to me, like a womb. "Womb of Success" are the words that came to me after drawing it. As I focus on cherishing my life with joy, I sit in soft awareness and safety in my own world, in the inner sanctum of joy and love for self that is my life. The outside world buzzes along, while I remain in my inner space of joy and content. Drawing's message to me: Sit in solitude in full awareness of your comfort and joy that resides within. Life -- your life -- is full, juicy, and ripe with possibilities and potential. Sit and contemplate the goodness and sweetness that life offers to you now. Pick the ripe fruit that is ready for the taking. Succulent, ripe, juicy. Your life is full! Thank you, dra

Life is But a Bowl of Cherries

Okay, re-awakening to my work. I have begun a new Igniting session with myself. Intention statement: I focus on cherishing my life with joy! Sorry that you cannot see the lovely orange spirals in this drawing. Message: Remember that YOUR life IS a bowl of cherries: tender, juicy, and sweet. Always in all ways cherish the tender life that is your gift to the world from God. You are loved very much. Thank you, drawing.