The Flowering of Consciousness

I've watched a fantastic video by Eckhart Tolle, The Flowering of Consciousness, a two disc series. I'm reading his book right now too--A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. The point that sticks out to me is the idea of the pain-body. That is intriguing. I'm looking at how my pain-body reacts with other pain-bodies around me. Yikes, I think that it is acting out in some ways. Being aware is the first step in healing and dissolving the pain-body. This is really important work by Eckhart Tolle and I recommend both the DVD/video and the book


  1. Your blog is truly uplifting. You have a beautiful talent :).Btw, I'm planning to get that book too :)

  2. Confessions of a Wandering Soul ... did you buy the book and how has it helped you?


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