Law of Opposites

Have you ever declared something to the world or to yourself in secret and then have the exact opposite begin to show itself? Well, I found out that that is part of the creative process. It sets a context for us to be able to create what we really wish for. You have to know what you do not want in order to know what you want. Getting the exact opposite of what you want is an indication that you are standing in a doorway of opportunity. Stay steady and hold on because you are about to get what you really really really wish for. It takes strength, faith, trust, stamina, and the wisdom of this law of creation to hold your position in the face of opposing factors.

Do you want riches? Well, get ready to experience poverty before you experience riches. Do you want the love of your life to show up? Well, guess who will be on your doorstep faster than you know it? Yep, the love disaster of your life. Just say NO THANK YOU!!! And keep on keeping on. Your true desires are coming to you. You have to say no in order to get to yes. The more you say no, the more clear you are getting to knowing what your wishes are, and the more clear the universe is getting to know what you desire.

You must call forth your desires. See my Wisdom Painting of January for an image of Calling Forth if you need it. Another January entry about my painting, Calling Forth Talking to Me might help also. Discernment is the key. You must be the commanding and demanding force in your own life.

Reference: Happier than God by Neale Donald Walsch.


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