Calling Forth: First Wisdom Painting of 2008

Title of this Painting: Calling Forth
In an effort to move forward with my year knowing more about myself at this juncture, I did a Wisdom Painting. This is a tool for self-discovery that I teach in workshops in Silver City, New Mexico. I have not Wisdom Painted for myself in a couple of years so I thought it would be a good idea to use my own toolset for self-discovery.

I welcome your comments on this painting. Every painting speaks to me personally and yet it comes from a universal place as well. I will be posting my own comments over the next fews days. In the meantime, I invite you to leave a comment on how the painting affects you. Give it your own title and describe what you see and how it makes you feel. This is about you. And yet, I might derive a benefit from reading your comments, as others will also benefit. We all see differently and can learn from one another. Go for it. And thanks.


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