Feng Shui Works

Yesterday, a free Feng Shui report came to my inbox from tarot.com. For some reason, I decided to accept it. Yes, of course, they give you a free "sample" and then want you to purchase the entire report, which I did. This is an astrological chart meets Feng Shui type of report.

I measured out my entire apartment and each room. Then I laid the bagua over it all. It's very interesting where my rooms fall on it. My bedroom occupies the entire creativity and helpful people sections. So, I have a little work to do there since that seems to be an important room for me, Feng Shui-wise.

I did a few of the suggestions to my wealth areas yesterday from my tarot.com reading. It has been really powerful already. I have been finding things that I had forgotten I had like an extra bottle of laundry detergent. My current one is almost empty and I thought I had to go buy another one before my next load. Then, I found my Cd's of classical music which is another cure for me to bring in positive energy. I also found my DVD movies of The Secret and Down the Rabbit Hole. And a sterling silver ring that I made years ago and thought I had lost made itself visible to me. Wow. I'm feeling much better and happier. This stuff really works.

I have more wealth than I think I do....I just have to keep remembering....


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