Wisdom Painting -- Release & Renewal -- Coming Up Sunday, Jan. 31, 2010

Photo: Birthing Woman by Mary Gravelle, 120" x 96", tempera on paper. Yes, that is me standing in front of my painting.

The painting shown here is an example of an outcome of Wisdom Painting. It is the result of many hours, weeks, and months of sticking with the painting process. This is where I would love to take YOU!

So far the Wisdom Painting sessions I have held in Silver City have been at the beginner level, which I will continue to hold. I want you to know that I would love to be able to take this workshop to deeper levels with you. The one-year intensive study I did with Aviva Gold, author of Painting From the Source, prepared me to do just that. In addition, I have been painting in the Wisdom Painting way for over 20 years. I have first-hand knowledge and experience with this way of painting for self-discovery.

My workshops have changed over the years from Split Splat Take That, Scrunchy Painting, and finally to Wisdom Painting which is the current name of my workshop that came out of my study with Aviva.

I will be offering Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Retreats for Wisdom Painting this year. My goal is to offer you a 5-day Retreat where all you do is show up to the painting process. I create the safe and sacred container for you to create at the level of your personal interest.

Disclaimer: I am not educated as a therapist or a counselor. Therefore, you are responsible for your emotional and spiritual well-being by enlisting the help of a therapist or counselor if needed.

With that said, I am more than qualified to take you through the painting process at your desired level. My job is to be totally present for you and your process. Here is what past participants have said about Wisdom Painting:

Hi Mary, You are amazing and help many people with your insight, wisdom, and love for painting with much expression. Hope all is well with you. Warmest Regards, Maria

Anonymous participants:

“Mary--Thank you. I needed to do this more than I ever could have realized. Fabulous learning experience. Again, thanks.”

“It ... gave me the pathway to continue with pride and confidence.”

“Experience was a growing one.”

“Safe space to stretch beyond what’s comfortable and gentle push to do it.”

"...contained more for me personally than I thought I might gain. I felt the experience as a whole helped me to connect with my painting (which isn’t finished) and connect to my gut. … Four hours is pretty quick, amazingly enough, and I could have painted longer.”

So ........... here we go ... think about it and sign up now!

Have you already taken a Wisdom Painting workshop? Please do not hesitate to sign up for more than one painting session. You are at new levels every time you paint. With each new Wisdom Painting session, you learn more about yourself and the painting process. Everyday you are a new person with new experiences to be had, including new paintings to come.

Beginner Level Wisdom Painting
Sunday, January 31, 2010, 1-4 pm
$30 includes all materials

Location: My studio in Silver City. Upon registration, you will learn where that is.

THEME of this session: Release and Renewal

"All that matters is the quality of the self as it receives the experience. ... If you are completely open, your awareness alert and expanded, your mind free of old conditioning, then the now will appear to be magical." -- Deepak Chopra in his book, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul.

In this workshop, we will focus on releasing the past in order to renew us to experience life anew.

REGISTER NOW!: Call me at (575) 956-7315 or Email me at mary@wisdompainting.com

Blessings in the light of spirit,


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