Desire vs. Want

I'm reading and doing the exercises in the book, Feel It Real. Today's exercise was so enlightening that I needed to, wanted to, or ah .... desired to share it.

The exercise was to write down your beliefs on desire. My mother tells the story of when I was a little girl of me jumping up and down on the bed singing "I want a wagon-sagon". I wanted a red wagon so badly back then. I never got it. My Mom's heart ached because she could not buy it for me.

Here's what I learned this morning. Wanting is so much different than desiring. Reflecting back on my little girl experience, I realized that wanting never leads to manifesting. I went to the dictionary to find out why.

v. 1. to hope or wish for ardently: crave
2. to ask for: request
*syns: ache, crave, hanker, long, wish, yearn
n. 1. a strong wish or longing: craving
2. a wish or petition

v. 1. to desire greatly: wish
2. to be deficient in: lack
3. to need: require
4. to be needy
5. to seek with intent to capture
n. 1. lack of usual or necessary amount
2. urgent need: impoverishment
3. a need, desire, or requirement
4. a character fault or flaw

OMG -- Wow -- I shall never WANT again! Who would want to be with anyone who feels lacking or needy? And why would any other healthy form of energy be attracted to that? Like attracts like, so the only thing that WANT attracts is WANT.

Ask for and it is given .... a desire is a request or petition, not a requirement. It allows the Universe / God / Goddess, etc. to give us what is in our best interests.

From now on, I DESIRE .....

Words have power and magic. Use them wisely.

Reference: Feel It Real by Denise Coates


  1. I would go the other way around. Notice the number of definitions there are for "want". I would choose to ignore all but one of them. I don't mind going after something with the intention of getting it, because it's an action. As long as the want is not based out of co-dependent need, I see nothing wrong with wanting somehing. Desire, to me, is emotionally-based. Craving. Wanting something that is often beyond grasp without first letting go of the feeling.

  2. Kim, sorry, I just now saw your comment. Thanks for your viewpoint. It makes sense.


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