The Beauty of You

"The beauty of life is to experience yourself."
--Message from Yogi Tea bag tag

I'd like to add a few words to this quote: "The beauty of life is to experience yourself as beauty." or maybe "The purpose of life is to experience yourself as beauty."

I wonder if each of us experience ourselves as beauty if the world would change. Would we change the way we act and interact with others if we experienced ourselves as beauty? Would we change the way we act and interact with others if we experienced others as beauty? I think maybe we would. If beauty is Divine, we could gather wisdom behind the meaning of the expression Namaste and change that to say "The beauty within me sees the beauty within you". In this way beauty heals and delivers harmony. To me beauty is flow, wonder, and awe. Whenever I experience beauty, I feel calm, serene, and uplifted.

I had an experience of myself as beauty last year. I was busy taking pictures of nature when all of a sudden the camera turned on me and I was taking self-portraits while I was immersed in nature. When I downloaded them off my camera and into my computer photo program, I saw my own beauty. I had experienced a message from nature that I was beauty and as beautiful as nature herself. I felt nature's kiss of love and gratitude upon my soul. It was as if she was returning the favor and fondness I had given her over the past year of photographing, painting, and being in awe of her beauty.

Another concept of beauty is the Japenese term Wabi-Sabi. I just learned about Wabi-Sabi. It's basically a natural beauty. You can read more about this on Francisca Weber's blog, who is a Wisdom Painter and 3rd grade teacher who is teaching her students about Wabi-Sabi. Read Francisca's blog entry: Wabi-Sabi.

Please share your own stories of experiencing yourself as beauty. Or share your thoughts on this topic. Post a comment now. Thank you!


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