
Showing posts from January, 2008

Important Movie

I just watched a movie that I believe is really important for everyone to watch and come to your own conclusions about what this life is truly about. January 31, Thursday . The Moon moves into Sagittarius transmitting the mysteries associated with quest for Truth and Meaning. A great way to engage the Sagittarius Mysteries is to watch the movie Zeitgeist available free on the internet. Zeitgeist, produced by Peter Joseph, was created as a nonprofit filmiac expression to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are. Peter Joseph said…It is my hope that people will not take what is said in the film as the truth, but find out for themselves, for truth is not told, it is realized. Additionally, one of the best ways to change the effect of the deceptions that have been perpetrated on humanity is to work from the principles of Phys

Essential Oils for Living a Full Life: Purchase From Me Now On Sale

Essential oils help us on a subtle vibrational level. I have found them to be extremely and gently essential to my well being over the years. See the oils that are available through me at the bottom of this post. Buy now and save through Jan. 31, 2008. Ways in which I use these friendly helping plants from nature: I pour a few drops on the palm of one hand and rub the oil between both hands and then lift both hands to my nose and inhale two or three deep breaths, then run my hands lightly through my hair. If I am barefoot, such as before bedtime or after my shower, I rub the oil into the soles of my feet and then my hair. The palms of our hands and the soles of our feet are great ways in which to get the oils circulating throughout our entire body via the tiny points that are connected to every organ of our system. I do this daily. Another wonderful way is to put 10-20 drops of essential oil into a glass spray bottle filled with distilled water. Shake it and spray any room to support y

Feng Shui Works

Yesterday, a free Feng Shui report came to my inbox from For some reason, I decided to accept it. Yes, of course, they give you a free "sample" and then want you to purchase the entire report, which I did. This is an astrological chart meets Feng Shui type of report. I measured out my entire apartment and each room. Then I laid the bagua over it all. It's very interesting where my rooms fall on it. My bedroom occupies the entire creativity and helpful people sections. So, I have a little work to do there since that seems to be an important room for me, Feng Shui-wise. I did a few of the suggestions to my wealth areas yesterday from my reading. It has been really powerful already. I have been finding things that I had forgotten I had like an extra bottle of laundry detergent. My current one is almost empty and I thought I had to go buy another one before my next load. Then, I found my Cd's of classical music which is another cure for me to bring in

Calling Forth is Talking to Me

My Wisdom Painting is beginning to talk to me – Commanding Force, Coming Forth are new titles and meanings for this painting as I read blogs and more today. How about Going Forth or Going Ahead? The energy of the painting is that of walking through a portal or threshold, into manifestation. It reminds me of a couple of TV shows -- Sliders and another one where people would go through a portal into a new world. I think that is what this painting is showing me. I am going into a new world. An intention statement that makes me feel really strong right now is: "I command my space in this universe now."

Importance on Kids Doing Art

One city is teaming up the recreation parks dept with a gallery and giving hands-on art classes, an important service to kids. Read more.

New Moon Wish List

The New Moon is Today -- Learn how to make a new moon wish list on , wish list creation . I just created mine and it felt so grounding to do it and gives me much hope for my upcoming month. Give it a try.

Calling Forth: First Wisdom Painting of 2008

Title of this Painting: Calling Forth In an effort to move forward with my year knowing more about myself at this juncture, I did a Wisdom Painting. This is a tool for self-discovery that I teach in workshops in Silver City, New Mexico. I have not Wisdom Painted for myself in a couple of years so I thought it would be a good idea to use my own toolset for self-discovery. I welcome your comments on this painting. Every painting speaks to me personally and yet it comes from a universal place as well. I will be posting my own comments over the next fews days. In the meantime, I invite you to leave a comment on how the painting affects you. Give it your own title and describe what you see and how it makes you feel. This is about you. And yet, I might derive a benefit from reading your comments, as others will also benefit. We all see differently and can learn from one another. Go for it. And thanks.