
Showing posts from December, 2010

Essence of You Painting


Beauty in Flight

The image at left, from yesterday's post, was completed during one of my personal Igniting Your Intentions™ sessions. The image is a powerful one for me so I went back to my writings to find out why. Perhaps the drawing is powerful for you as well. And perhaps the writing will speak to you, too. Here is what I wrote: Drawing Gives me Goosebumps – white bird with huge wingspan. Is it a dove, a blue bird of happiness – is the blue its color or definition? This bird is Beauty in Flight. I’m in total awe and choked up over this image. Drawing's Message : Take flight, my dear, worry not about all your worldly affairs. They will be taken care of. You are glory bound forevermore. Share your beauty with the children. They will listen. They will get it. The ribbons of peace weave around you. Carry them with you whenever you go – wherever. Your angels are all around you, dear, helping, guiding, assisting. You need only ask for help and it is granted – pronto! You are aligned wi

Connect to Your Soul Team

Connect to your Soul Team . Listen Up. Check out this article for how to proceed with the mission of your life. NOW. Great stuff. First paragraph of the article says: "The Fifth Step - Discover Your Soul Team By now you have raised your frequency, re-aligned to your higher self, opened and begun to trust your communication with The Divine/The All. The fifth step naturally follows these first four steps as you are now prepared to discover and connect to your Soul Team." Image at left is from my 2004 Igniting Your Intentions™ personal session. My intention statement: I align myself with my true calling. Crayon on paper. Anyone interested in signing up for the process, contact me. It's quite lovely.