
Showing posts from January, 2010

Wisdom Painting -- Release & Renewal -- Coming Up Sunday, Jan. 31, 2010

Photo: Birthing Woman by Mary Gravelle, 120" x 96", tempera on paper. Yes, that is me standing in front of my painting. The painting shown here is an example of an outcome of Wisdom Painting. It is the result of many hours, weeks, and months of sticking with the painting process. This is where I would love to take YOU! So far the Wisdom Painting sessions I have held in Silver City have been at the beginner level, which I will continue to hold. I want you to know that I would love to be able to take this workshop to deeper levels with you. The one-year intensive study I did with Aviva Gold, author of Painting From the Source , prepared me to do just that. In addition, I have been painting in the Wisdom Painting way for over 20 years. I have first-hand knowledge and experience with this way of painting for self-discovery. My workshops have changed over the years from Split Splat Take That, Scrunchy Painting, and finally to Wisdom Painting which is the current name of my worksho

5 Large Life Lessons of 2009 by Christine Kane

As an artist and business owner, I found some good info in this article that I have copied from Christine Kane's blog. Info on her blog is at the end of the article. Enjoy! 5 Large Life Lessons of 2009 by Christine Kane I keep hearing people complain about 2009. "Good riddance!" they shout. I loved 2009. I loved it as much for its challenges as its successes. In fact, I believe that the tumults we've faced as a global community are forcing us all off auto-pilot and into a place of deeper Creativity. As a creative entrepreneur, I had my share of power-packed lessons this year, and I am excited to continue learning from them! There's no need to live in fear. As Einstein said: "The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe." Here are my 5 favorite lessons of 2009: 1 - Our Growth is Often Proportional to Our Investment. This lesson is one of the gifts of owning your own business - though it sure doesn&#