
Showing posts from August, 2008

Body Portraits by Kids

These kids had so much fun painting their body portraits. I asked them to take off their shoes and have fun. I had no idea of how much room this project would actually take up. They had no problem with walking and sitting on their painting while they worked. They allowed sisters, brothers, and cousins to help them complete their painting. Why can't grown ups play so nice?

Law of Opposites

Have you ever declared something to the world or to yourself in secret and then have the exact opposite begin to show itself? Well, I found out that that is part of the creative process. It sets a context for us to be able to create what we really wish for. You have to know what you do not want in order to know what you want. Getting the exact opposite of what you want is an indication that you are standing in a doorway of opportunity. Stay steady and hold on because you are about to get what you really really really wish for. It takes strength, faith, trust, stamina, and the wisdom of this law of creation to hold your position in the face of opposing factors. Do you want riches? Well, get ready to experience poverty before you experience riches. Do you want the love of your life to show up? Well, guess who will be on your doorstep faster than you know it? Yep, the love disaster of your life. Just say NO THANK YOU!!! And keep on keeping on. Your true desires are coming to you. You have

Desire vs. Want

I'm reading and doing the exercises in the book, Feel It Real. Today's exercise was so enlightening that I needed to, wanted to, or ah .... desired to share it. The exercise was to write down your beliefs on desire. My mother tells the story of when I was a little girl of me jumping up and down on the bed singing "I want a wagon- sagon ". I wanted a red wagon so badly back then. I never got it. My Mom's heart ached because she could not buy it for me. Here's what I learned this morning. Wanting is so much different than desiring. Reflecting back on my little girl experience, I realized that wanting never leads to manifesting. I went to the dictionary to find out why. Desire : v. 1. to hope or wish for ardently: crave 2. to ask for: request * syns : ache, crave, hanker, long, wish, yearn n. 1. a strong wish or longing: craving 2. a wish or petition Want : v. 1. to desire greatly: wish 2. to be deficient in: lack 3. to need: require 4. to be needy 5. to seek wit