
Showing posts from 2011

July 2011 Forecast

I found this article to be very informative. It feels right. Birth is the theme for this month. At left: Birthing Woman, approx. 8 ft wide x 10 ft tall, tempera on paper. ©2011 Mary A. Gravelle. A personal Wisdom Painting.

Girl of Light and Inner Power

Link to Igniting Your Intentions blog. Day 10. girl-of-light-and-inner-power /

Beaming Growth

Link to Igniting Your Intentions blog, May 18 article:

Glowing Light of Love

Igniting Your Intentions. Day 8. Glowing Light of Love. Click the link below to go the Igniting Your Intentions™ blog. Link to blog article: http://ignitingyourintentio

Follow My 28 Day Process: Igniting Your Intentions™

I am in the process of re-establishing the Igniting Your Intentions™ process in hopes of helping others manifest the life they desire. This is a process that I developed and cherish. It has helped me. I hope that it will help you, too. I have set up a website to act as the sacred container for the process. To ignite the process, I am doing my own session. You can follow it at . This drawing is from today's session.

Igniting Your Intentions™ Book Coming Soon

Hi all, Do you remember Igniting Your Intentions™? Well … hopefully, the book is coming soon!  I began writing a book of my six-week workshop, Igniting Your Intentions™in 2005. My my, how time flies. Now that I am in graphic design class, one of our assignments is to design a book cover. This gives me the perfect opportunity to begin again. The image on the left is my first go at designing the book jacket cover. The book itself will be another design project. I'll keep you posted as the design evolves. I welcome your comments and feedback. Have a creative day, Mary