
Showing posts from December, 2009

Exercise on Creating Abundance

I am reading Deepak Chopra's book, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul. He suggests a good exercise having to do with creating more abundance. Here it is from page 161: 1. Write the word Abundance on a sheet of paper. 2. Draw a circle around it. 3. Write five words around the outside of the circle that would make you feel more abundant. 4. Then, write three things that you could to do, starting today, to make these areas more fulfilling. Here is mine: Five words/three things: 1. Friends a. Continue inviting friends over b. Meet with friends outside my home c. Meet with one friend individually each week 2. Partner (true love) a. Visualize / feel his presence b. Put my art video up on my website and blog c. Be my own best love partner d. Write down a list of attributes I want in my partner 3. Fun a. Play with Sir Kitty 2-3 x during the day b. Hike a new trail each week c. Write a list of what I find fun 4. Home a. Continue clearing out my home