
Showing posts from April, 2008

One Space Left Wisdom Painting on Saturday, April 26

I only have one space left for Saturday's Wisdom Painting session. Please call me at 575-956-7315 for more information and to register. Pre-registration and pre-payment are required.

DVD--Alex Grey ARTMind: The Healing Power of Sacred Art

I recently watched my 2nd Alex Grey DVD ordered from NetFlix, ARTMind: The Healing Power of Sacred Art . One spiritual message from this DVD stood out to me: "There is no out there". Alex talks of the cosmic swirl and how his psychedelic drug experiences have fed his art with visions and understanding. One painting vision in particular helped him see the truth that life is an inside job. Everything that shows up in our outer experience is brought forth from within. This is why I believe that Wisdom Painting is so important. It helps me see what's inside of me. It has helped other people who have taken my classes to see what's inside them too. This helps us to see our life differently, from the inside out.

Wisdom Painting in Silver City -- Summer Schedule

Wisdom Painting for self-discovery will be held in Silver City, New Mexico. Summer 2008 schedule is 2nd Wednesdays and 3rd Saturdays. The next dates are Sat., April 26 (only one space left); Wed. May 14, Sat., May 17 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. $45 investement in self includes all materials. There are only four spaces available per session. Register early. Pre-registration and pre-payment is required. Call: (575) 956-7315 or email: to register, find out location of the workshop, or ask questions.

Wisdom Painting Workshop Coming Up!

Saturday, April 26, Silver City 9:00 am to 1:00 pm $45 includes all materials Limited to four people Discover the inner wisdom's way of painting: open, free, and without judgment. Witness the invisible becoming visible as the brush glides easily across the paper in full color. What image will come forth? What will you experience while painting from the inside out? Beginner's welcome. Also may benefit the artist who feels stuck. Repeat Wisdom painters also welcome. Each painting experience is different. Each painting is a new journey into the self. Contact Mary Gravelle for location and more information: Phone: (575) 956-7315 Email: Websites:

Lots Going on at Mary's Fine Art

Well .... I've been diligently at work for Mary's Fine Art and My Art Notes. I've been neglecting Wisdom Painting. So sorry, I'll get back here asap and make more posts. I've been reading so look for book reviews.