
Showing posts from March, 2008

Silver City Wisdom Painting Session

Thank you to WILL (Western Institute for Life Long Learners for inviting me to do another Wisdom Painting session for your Spring season. Thank you to the 10 participants who showed up fully to the painting process. I thoroughly enjoyed being a witness and facilitator to your self-discovery.

Marc Horowitz Give Us Total Permission to be Creative

The question -- is it art, is it comedy, is it performance, is it just plain crazy arises around the art of Marc Horowitz. I read the article today and watched his "National Dinner Tour" YouTube video which is linked in the article. This guy blows away any preconceived notion of how creative we can be. He IS CREATIVITY at its core. He gives everyone permission to just go out and follow through with creative ideas, to follow through with your creative thought. If for nothing else than pure curiosity. My kudos to this young man who has had the guts to follow his heart. What have you been curious about lately? Can you follow through on your curiosity to find out the answer for yourself? Marc Horowitz article